Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should the Animals Be Used for Scientific Research

Abstract This research paper discusses the opposition side of my chosen topic â€Å"Should the animals be used for scientific research†. It will evidently elucidate why it is malicious for the animals to be used as scientific research. Animals cannot be compared to humans when it comes to finding out what product or drug is competent for human to use, because animals and humans have different hormones. It is also been proven with the drug thalidomide, that even though it has been tested on thousands of animals it was not a good alternative for human choose. Should the animals be used for scientific research? According to American Anti-Vivisection Society 100 million animals are used every year in the United States as models in biological†¦show more content†¦Animals react differently than humans to many substances, rendering many tests pointless. Some drugs have had to be withdrawn, despite testing, so therefore I honestly don’t think animal testing is relevant. Instead of using these poor animals for researches, scientist and researchers should use computer model, syntactic skin and leaves as a better alternative. According to Natasha Bantwal, one of the most famous examples when it comes to danger of animals experimentation would have to be the thalidomide tragedy of the 60’s and 70’s (Bantwal 2010). I did a little research on the drug thalidomide, and found out that it was tested on thousands, and thousands of animals and was to be an a amazing sedative for breastfeeding and will allegedly caused no harm to either the mother nor the child, but come to find out thousands of children whose mothers had used thalidomide were born with severe deformities. Another good example of the dangers of animal testing is Clioquinol, which was also supposed to be safely tested on animals and later on had a severely adverse impact on humans. Manufactures in the 70’s in Japan, it was marketed as a wonder drug for providing relief from diarrhea. Not only did it not work on humans, but it even cause diarrhea in them! As a result of this drug being administered to the public, thousands of cases of paralysis and blindness and thousands of death cases occurred all over. The main ethical argument against animalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Should Animals Be Used for Scientific Research?2350 Words   |  10 PagesShould Animals be used for Scientific Research? Kari Lundquist Composition II Susan Cochran February 11th, 2012 Abstract Animal research is needed for many uses for our scientists. Should animals be used for scientific research? We do need to make sure that their rights are accepted, that they are not in pain for the experiment, and that they are cared for prior and after the research. There are many advantages to why animals should be used for scientific research. The evidence and theirRead MoreImportance Of Animal Testing1726 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing: Is it necessary? People take medicine, and they wear makeup. 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